CAMP Otranto

Image coast

The Otranto approach to intercultural dialogue and effective collaboration is a way forward to facing up to the triple planetary crisis of pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss.

Many of humanity’s current challenges for the sustainability of the global ocean are crucial to the health and development of communities and natural habitats in the Mediterranean. Success in this region will echo well beyond the South Adriatic, sending a message that we can work together for the common objective of protecting and living in harmony with the ocean and nature.

Partner Benefits

Joint development of additional tools for the management of coastal and marine ecosystems, in the transboundary context

The opportunity to learn new methodologies with reference to the inter-sectoral and inter-level planning and the strengthening of inter-institutional coordination

Use the findings of project approaches towards ICZM and MSP for the conservation policies and management


Project Timeline

What we want
to achieve

The main objective of the CAMP Otranto project is to support the integrated management of coastal zones by implementing the ICZM Protocol and Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) at a transboundary scale




Otranto Coastal and
Marine Environment Challenges

By contributing to the development, operation and sharing know-how and best practices on sustainable coastal management, the project will tackle the prevalent environmental challenges



Especially marine litter



Sharing best practice



Focusing on coastal and marine ecosystems


Keeping it local
increases our reach

Each country tailors to the needs of local stakeholders and communities in how they employ transboundary activities and exchange experiences to support the implementation of the Barcelona Convention, with ICZM and MSP, as well as the related EU instruments

Project structure


Our methodology
in a nutshell

Analysis of relevant information layers plays a fundamental role in supporting decision-making by evaluating alternate scenarios, in predicting and mitigating impacts and designing effective coastal zone interventions.

Discover our key tools!

Area Based
Management Tools

An approach that enables the application of management measures to a specific area to achieve a desired policy outcome

Spatial Planning

Public process of analysing and allocating the spatial and temporal distribution of human activities in marine areas to achieve ecological, economic and social objectives that have been specified through a political process

and Audit Scheme

A system to assess, validate or certificate, and continuously improve local process and initiatives in the coastal zones, in accordance with the ICZM Protocol


Who is behind
CAMP Otranto?

The project is coordinated by PAP/RAC with the support of INFO/RAC and national project coordinators. Implementation is overseen by the CAMP Otranto Steering Committee, with the particular involvement of the Albanian Ministry of Tourism and Environment (AMTE), and the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (IMEES) along with Vlora region (AL) and Puglia region (IT).

CAMP will help Albania and Italy on their path towards sustainable development by implementing the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) approach at pilot sites and offering opportunities to share transboundary know-how.

The implementation is carried out under the following organisational structure: